September 21: World Gratitude Day

September 21st is World Gratitude Day, and it's a time to be grateful for all that you have. It may sound like an overly positive holiday, but keeping gratitude alive can change your life. When we focus on what we're thankful for each day, our happiness increases exponentially.
For one day a year, people all over the world stop and take time to reflect on what they're thankful for. This is an opportunity to pause in the hustle and bustle of life and appreciate what we have and how to practice gratitude. It's also a chance to give thanks for things that may not come so easily every day, like our health or family members who help us out during difficult times.
Brands Celebrating World Gratitude Day 2021
In honor of World Gratitude Day 2021 on November 20th, many brands are getting into the spirit by donating money or products to charities. Here are some brands that are wishing “Happy Gratitude Day” in different ways that benefit the masses.

Alo Yoga: A week of free yoga video classes for a stronger mind & body
There are many ways to make your day feel better but one of the most effective ways is gratitude. It's easy—all you have to do is just take on a different perspective every single day!
The new YouTube video class series 7 Days Of Gratitude by Alo Yoga will help you transform into a person who takes time for themself each morning and also puts you in the practice of being grateful.
Briohny Smyth will take you on a journey of self-discovery with gratitude and relaxation. Get ready for the 30-minute video that is sure to heal your body as well as rejuvenate your spirit!
Many of us are so focused on our to-do lists and daily obligations that we forget the things in life which make it all worthwhile. But what if you could take a moment each day, or even just once per month for an hour or two during your free time?
It's never too late to start practicing gratitude. That way when challenges arise; instead of asking "why me?”, you can reflect on all the good things still present in your life. And this video will help you do that.

TOMS: Investing ⅓ of their profits in grassroots efforts
TOMS is spreading gratitude with its initiative to make a difference in people's lives by investing ⅓ of profits into grassroots efforts for change. They look forward to having a future where all people have the chance to thrive. They believe that every individual has the right to succeed, regardless of their background or situation and they work hard with these beliefs as motivation daily!
Grassroots movements are powerful because they harness the community’s passion and creativity. These leaders have insights rooted in their shared experience with others who face similar challenges - but often lack access to financial resources needed for growth.
The results show how grassroots organizations can be highly effective at addressing issues that affect them all; these successes come from having passionate members leading efforts like mobilizing people against scarce services or raising awareness about high rates of poverty within society.
The process of progress begins on the ground and it can be led by those who are closest to a community's obstacles. The variety in communities means there is no one-size-fits-all solution, which makes grassroots efforts important for creating sustainable change that takes into account each individual area’s needs.

Ideas to Celebrate World Gratitude Day
World Gratitude Day is a day to celebrate the many ways we can be thankful.
You can be grateful just for waking up and experiencing another new day.
Be grateful for your family members and friends who love you unconditionally.
Take time out of each day to appreciate nature's blessings like beautiful sunsets or foggy mornings that reveal nice views on hikes through mountains.
Thank your pet who has always been there no matter what happens in life.
We often take our health for granted as well, yet this is another thing to be grateful for.
You can also appreciate the many benefits that come with a job; from providing food and shelter in an otherwise hungry world or giving you purpose by allowing time management of your own life outside work hours.
In some families, it is not easy to get along. But on World Gratitude Day you should all try and work together as one family in making the present day something to be grateful for.
You can take a few minutes out of your day and write down 5 things that make you happy that you are grateful for. It'll be worth it in no time at all because this only takes one step towards feeling better.
Happy Gratitude Day
So on September 21st, be sure to share with your friends and family members all the things you love about them or how you appreciate their unique qualities.
How do you celebrate World Gratitude Day? What are some things that you're grateful for today, and what would you like to be more grateful for in the future?
Read more: International Day of Yoga and World Mental Health Day.
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