National Bike To Work Day: May 21

National Bike To Work Day: May 21

May is an important month for bike enthusiasts. This month is national bike month. It is also the month when the national bike challenges begin and continue through to World Bicycle Day on June 3rd.

The events contribute to keeping our planet green and improving our health. We can celebrate not only by biking to work on one day alone, but by integrating biking into our lifestyle as a more frequent method of transportation.

We celebrate National Bike to Work day in the month of May on the third Friday. In 2021 this year, Bike to Work Day is on Friday, May 21, while the national bike to work week spans from May 17 to May 21, 2021.

League of American Bicyclists

According to the League of American bicyclists, where Bike to Work Day started, a bicycle is a fun way to move around with 40% of all trips in the US less than 2 miles (3.22 km). It makes bike commuting a highly feasible option. Events like the bike to work day and bike to work week have promoted increased bike commuting among hundreds of American, Canadian European, and Asian communities.

League of American Bicyclists

Bike Boom

With all these ongoing activities, and the pandemic, which has led to more and more people exploring nature and outdoor activity, the bike industry has witnessed a major spike. There are many who have taken to bikes for the first time. Bike companies are now placing orders with their manufacturers nearly a year in advance.

On the flip side, activity increases are leading to a healthier state globally. See Strava’s Year In Sport Review with data from 73 million athletes showing how the athletic community has committed to and surpassed activity rates and predictions in 2020.

Bike to Work Guide

If you have ever wondered, “How do I start biking to work?”, here’s a brief bike-to-work guide for you.

The most important thing is to take the necessary safety precautions before venturing out on your new-found commute.

Safety Tips for Cycling - Skuxs

Here are a few Safety Tips:

  • Avoid sidewalks and keep to your lane
  • Use hand signals
  • Watch for parked cars and keep about 4 feet (1.22 m) from the doors
  • Plan your route ahead of time and check for any road construction blockages
  • Helmets are recommended

Necessary Gear

  • Research to find your most reliable ride to work
  • Basket/pannier or rack to make your ride comfortable
  • A reliable, well-reviewed lock
  • Bells are essential. In some areas, they are legally required
  • Fenders will keep road water off you
  • White light for the front and red light for the back
  • Flat changing supplies to fix them
  • Identification such as a driving license or a specialized ID bracelet is a must


Bike to Work Benefits

There are several benefits of using a bike as a mode of transport to work. It makes you and our planet healthier.

It is an excellent way to keep physically fit. You get aerobic exercise twice a day – before work and after. It is easy on your joints as it is a low-impact exercise, unlike jogging.

Bikers save fuel costs which means they have more money in their pockets.

Bikers all over the world deserve to be congratulated for their contribution in reducing carbon footprints, contributing to a cleaner environment.

If you are a regular biker, you may have realized that your motor vehicle is now getting judicious use only for necessary trips. Most bikers like you get the advantage of automobile longevity.

BTWD 2021 - Skuxs

#BTWD 2021

Bike-to-work is not only an opportunity to adopt a healthy lifestyle, it has a massive impact on everything about you. It keeps you feeling better and more organized. You wake up earlier and plan out your day.

It keeps you active and enhances your work performance. You are active and energetic by the time you are in the office or starting your day. As a result, your work performance improves as you face the day with a brighter perspective.

Cycling to work is a great motivator. The health benefits of biking are all too well known. It’s your regular exercise that makes a positive impact on your goals. It makes you conscious of your health. It may make you more aware and conscious of what you put inside your body.

Taking to your bike on Bike-to-Work day will make you feel proud to be a contributor to help save the environment. You will have the satisfaction of helping cut your carbon footprint and it may just kick off the start of a new healthy habit.

We’ll try, if you try?


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